Artist Statement

I have recently found renewed energy and direction by pursuing a more abstract style with my painting. I am very interested in color combinations, value, shape and a sense of movement. As an artist of many years now, I find it increasingly important to allow shapes and form to have a voice of their own in my work. Only through experimentation can I find a new path to creating art that surprises and inspires me. Creating something that I have never seen before is what motivates me to dig deeper within myself. I believe these “wells” of inspiration and creativity reside within all of us, and it is up to each one individually to find their inner voice.
The process of making art enriches my life, and my hope is that the finished work also enriches the life of the viewer.
I hope you enjoy my work!
The process of making art enriches my life, and my hope is that the finished work also enriches the life of the viewer.
I hope you enjoy my work!
More About Beth
Beth's experience and success as an artist has enabled her to demonstrate painting techniques effortlessly. Beth shares her abilities through on going classes and workshops. She has developed her own teaching style called “fresh, fast and loose.” Beth’s workshops and classes are geared for teaching students to “loosen up” their painting style and put more of themselves into their work.